Frequently Asked Questions

We've collected the most common questions about Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports here. To find a specific answer, click to expand the category that best matches your question.

Are Poise® Impressa® Bladder Supports comfortable?

Impressa® Bladder Supports are designed to help stop leaks comfortably and conveniently.

  • The Soft-Flex* core design comes in three sizes for a personalized internal fit.
  • The smooth plastic applicator has a rounded tip for comfortable insertion.
  • Once inserted, the soft, flexible bladder support adjusts to provide the gentle support you need.

When the right size Impressa® Bladder Support is properly inserted, you may not feel it. Any discomfort when using the bladder supports should be temporary and go away after you have found the right size for you. If discomfort or small blood spots on the product continue after the first 14 days of usage, stop using the bladder supports and consult your doctor.

Watch this video to hear what real women think about Impressa® Bladder Supports.